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Information Services

Information Services

Impact of climate change

One of the impacts of climate change is variability of rainfall patterns - the onset of rains is shifting while their duration becomes increasingly unpredictable. Accurate and accessible rainfall information helps farmers decide not only when to plant and harvest, but when to dry the crops and look out for the outbreak of pests and diseases that can ruin yields.

Working with information in this way, farmers increase their chances of boosting productivity and avoiding post-harvest losses. In the changing climate, extreme weather events such as storms, droughts and flooding are also increasing in frequency and intensity. In the case of heavy rainfall, climate information can predict the intensity of the rainfall and which areas will be hardest hit.

It can also indicate whether vital infrastructure – such as roads and communications systems, essential for market access – are likely to be impacted. TOG’s weather and climate information services is the packaging and dissemination of climate information to specific users and are vital in supporting farmers’ response to climate change.

With robust climate information, farmers can safeguard the economic gains and advances in social development.

1 Provision of weather forecast, weather adaptive and climate smart advice

2. Mobile enabled dissemination of information to farmers such as agronomic advice, market price, certification standards, etc

3. Access to financial services via digital channels