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Mechanization service request with just a few clicks with TOGWorld


With an in-app calendar, you can plan your farm operations and determine when you need a specific farm mechanization machinery. This maximizes the spread of our service across your community and farming cluster.

No matter where you are in Nigeria, our tractors will get to you in the shortest time possible once you make a request. Our team of professionals are always on hand to deliver exceptional farm mechanization services every step of the way.

With TOG, you get improved farm processes at a higher speed. This way, you get better results to increase your earning potential. What are you waiting for? Download the TOG app now to have access to mechanization with a few clicks.

Easy to use • Process

How it works?

Download TOGWorld App

Download the TOGWorld app from Google PlayStore or Apple Appstore to begin service request

Register and Login

After downloading the TOGWorld App register and login to proceed

Request a service

Select preferred date, your farm location, and Operations to complete booking

Download App

Get TOG Technology

Buy the TOG technology and download the TOG app from the Google Play Store or Apple Store




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